Private Lessons
The Community Music Academy offers weekly private lessons in violin, viola, cello, bass, and classical guitar from some of the best professional musicians and teachers in central Texas at a very affordable rate. All CMA string instructors utilize the Suzuki Method.
Students are expected to practice regularly, to bring a pencil and all assigned music to lessons, and to perform in a Solo Recital at the end of each semester in which they are registered for private lessons. Instructors may ask that parents remain present during lessons with their child.
Class Fees & Duration
Registration for Private Lessons includes 12 lessons per semester.
- 30-minute lessons = $325
- 45-minute lessons = $425
- 60-minute lessons = $525

Summer Private Lessons
Private lessons for violin, viola, cello, and guitar will be offered in person during the summer.
Lessons will be offered between June - Aug, depending on the instructor's schedule. Make sure you do not register for more lessons than your instructor can teach. Be sure to discuss this with your instructor prior to registering. Participants must register for a minimum of 4 lessons.
If you are currently in or have taken private lessons in the past, please continue lessons with the same teacher. After registration, you may contact your instructor directly to schedule specific dates and times for your lessons.
Summer Private Lesson Tuition
- 30-minute lessons: $27 per lesson
- 45-minute lessons: $35 per lesson
- 60-minute lessons: $44 per lesson
If you are a new student, have no preference or would like advice, contact CMA Director Shareen Vader.
Instrument Rental
The rental fee for instruments will be waived if your child is currently enrolled in a class/lessons for Spring 2023, and you register for lessons by April 30, 2023.
All CMA instruments must be returned at the student’s last lesson of the summer for maintenance before the fall semester begins.
A new $20 instrument maintenance fee is required each academic year. -
Cancellation & Makeup Policy
By registering for private lessons you indicate your understanding of and agreement to these policies.
Contact Us
Shareen Vader
Do you have a question? Get in touch.
- Phone:830-372-6448