Transfer Credits
Determine transfer credit equivalencies for courses taken at other institutions, examinations, or advanced placement programs.
Foreign Language Placement Exams
he Spanish Placement Test will allow skilled Spanish speakers an opportunity to earn lower level courses credit once a “B” or higher is earned in the course they were placed.
When you take a test, it will give you immediate results that will indicate which SPAN or FREN class you should register for. If you get at least a B in that class, you will receive credit for all the lower level classes you tested out of as TLU institutional credit.Those credits are units toward graduation which can also be used for Spanish or French majors or minors at the same time (but note that SPAI or FREI credits of this kind do not count toward General Education requirements). For example, if you place into SPAN 375 and get at least a B in it, you will receive 12 units of credit, for Spanish classes 1-4!
Language skills are increasingly in demand in the workplace, and these exams will help you maximize your opportunities. For native or advanced speakers, you may be almost finished with a minor after your first class.
The tests are designed to find the class you will have the best chance of succeeding in. Some students are nervous about how much they remember from high school or whether they know orremember correct or formal grammar.
Register For The TLU Spanish Placement Test
Register For The TLU French Placement Test
TLU Transfer Credit Guidelines
- A maximum of 68 hours may be transferred from community colleges to Texas Lutheran University. For students with more than 68 hours, the 68 hours that best complete the degree plan as of the first semester the student attends TLU will be transferred. No changes may be made to the choice of transferred hours after the student starts classes at TLU.
- Only grades of "C-" or better will transfer. Grades of "D" do not transfer. Community college courses may not transfer into TLU as upper-division courses (300-400 level), even though TLU may have an upper-division course with exactly the same name and description. Community college courses may not be used to fulfill the 30-hour upper-division requirement for graduation at TLU. However, the course may be used as a substitute for an upper-division course with an approved substitution form signed by the chair and dean.
- FREX134, Exploring the Arts & Sciences, is required of all students except transfer students entering with 24 or more hours, no more than 12 of which may be earned through dual participation.
- Only four hours of Physical Education (Kinesiology) activity will apply to degree requirements.
- Only four hours of Ensemble Music will apply to degree requirements.
Core Courses Guide
At TLU, we want our graduates to achieve a breadth of knowledge in the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Toward that end, students need to meet requirements in 9 areas we call the Foundations and Dimensions of Liberal Education. These areas are closely aligned with what other schools call their “core” courses or “basics.”
Transfer students like TLU because we are flexible with the kind of courses we will accept as fulfilling these dimensions. Here are our general education requirements:
- College Level Math Course (3 hours)
- Introduction to Theology (THEO-133)
- Any Modern Language (3 hours)
- English Composition (COMP-131 & COMP-132)
- Arts (Dramatic Media, Art, Music)(6 hours)
- Humanities (English Literature, History, Philosophy, Mexican-American Studies, Women's Studies)(12 hours)
- Natural Sciences & Math (Math, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Physics)(6 hours)(2 disciplines)(1 lab)
- Social Sciences (Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology)(6 hours)
Transfer Equivalency Guide
Courses taken in your major field of study may also transfer to TLU. Compare courses for which you've already received credit with those required in TLU Degree Plans to see what might count toward your TLU coursework.
If you're transferring from a community college in Texas, use the Transfer Equivalency Guide to see the TLU equivalent for the course you'd like to transfer, as well as the core competency it fulfills.
Credit By Exam
TLU students may earn credit by examination or receive credit through several programs, including College Board Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations taken while in high school; and College Level Examination (CLEP), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Defense Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) and Excelsior College Examination programs during their time at TLU.
Credit by exam credit does not count toward residence hours, honors calculations, or affect the student’s grade point average. All credit by exam coursework appears on the transcript as credit (CR).
Students may apply a maximum of 30 semester hours of credit toward graduation through any one or combination of the exams.
AP Exam Credit
Texas Lutheran University awards credit for College Board Advanced Placement to all entering students who submit a score of three (3) or higher. For more information, contact
International Baccalaureate Exam Credit
The following International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level examinations, taken while in high school, are acceptable for credit based on presenting the minimum scores noted. For more information, visit the International Baccalaureate Organization website at Equivalent Texas Lutheran courses and hours of credit are specified.
CLEP Exam Credit
For more information, visit
DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support)
Visit for more information.
Excelsior College (UExcel)
Visit for more information.