Steven Vrooman
- Associate VP for Campus Equity, Dean of Faculty, Professor of Communications
- Communication, Cultures, English & World Languages
Ph.D. in Communication, Arizona State University
M.A. in Communication, Arizona State University
B.A. in English & Communication Studies, Loyola Marymount University
Specializations: social media, data visualization, rhetoric, media & popular culture, public relations, film studies, game design, comics, folklore, zombies.
The MoreBrainz Blog. Content on argument, social media, pedagogy, data visualization, preparation for college, and leadership.
“Between Charlottesville and Forsyth: Speakers, Protest and University Campuses,” In Violence Goes to College: The Authoritative Guide to Prevention and Intervention, 3rd ed (Eds., John Nicoletti, Sally Spencer-Thomas, & Christopher Bollinger). Springfield, IL: Thomas, 2018.
“Social Media and Campus Violence,” In Violence Goes to College: The Authoritative Guide to Prevention and Intervention, 3rd ed. (Eds., John Nicoletti, Sally Spencer-Thomas, & Christopher Bollinger). Springfield, IL: Thomas, 2018.
“Social Media as a Destination, Not a Road: Forgetting Hacks, Clicks, and Analytics to Create Engaging Content for Your Association.” Association Leadership Magazine, 2018.
“Social Media and Three Kinds of Student Engagement: A Conceptual Framework for Innovation in E-Learning” (pp. 35-42), In Promising Practices in Developmental Education. (Ed. Michael C. McConnell). San Marcos, TX: Texas State University, The Education Institute, 2017.
““<Geek> and <Nerd> as Ideographs: The Definitional Tension on Twitter” (with Tiffiny Sia, Mike Czuchry & Chris Bollinger) (pp. 43-65), In The Age of the Geek. (Ed. K. Lane). London: Palgrave, 2017.
The Zombie Guide to Public Speaking. 2nd ed. Seguin, TX: MoreBrainz, 2015.
“Getting Creative with Social Media and Course Design: Building Social Media Applications into Course Interactions and Using Social Media to Find Content for Student Analysis.” TLU Center for Teaching and Learning Brown Bag, April 10, 2018.
“Building Sustainable, Strategic Social Media Marketing.” Keynote Address at the Texas Society of Association Executives’ Tech Talks, Austin, TX, March 22, 2018.
“Beyond Post Analytics: A Social Media Strategy for Engagement and Connection.” Presentation at the International Association of Events and Exhibitions’ Expo!Expo!, San Antonio, TX, November 29, 2017.
“Bargain in the Stacks: Negotiation and Navigating Conflict for School Librarians.” Workshop at Libraries Out Loud, the ESC-20 Library Resource Roundup, San Antonio, TX, September 22, 2017.
“Content is Bull****. Marketing is Horse****. Let’s Talk About Relationships.” Presented at INBOUND, Boston, MA, September 26, 2017.
“Zombie Talk: A Messaging, Facilitation, Negotiation and Conflict Training Workshop.” For disaster relief case managers with BCFS. Seguin, TX, June 26, 2017.
"Make Room for Oral Communication in Your Class: Innovative Ways to Find the Time for Public Speaking in Non-Communication Courses without Sacrificing Content." Paper presented at Northeast Lakeview College Pedagogy Conference, San Antonio, TX, March 11, 2017.
“Better Communication: Presentations, Negotiation, and Email.” Presentation at the Library Learning Cooperative, San Antonio, TX, January 24, 2017.
“Oral Communication: A New Approach for the Skeptical and Disaffected.” Instructional Development Presentation at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, August 16, 2016.
“Teaching is Persuasion.” Keynote Address at Engaging Pedagogy: A Conference on Teaching and Learning, Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, TX, May 13, 2015.
“Our Brains Are A’Twitter,” TEDxSanAntonio, October 18, 2014.
“Castrating the Oedpal Fanboy: Father Anxiety, Star Wars, and the Discursive Structures of Nerd Misogyny and Geek Capitalism.” Paper to be presented at SWTX PCA/ACA Convention, Albuquerque, NM, February, 2014.
“The “Unease Model” of Audience Identification: Burke, Riffaterre, Hitchcock and Lois Weber’s Suspense.” Paper presented at SWTX PCA/ACA Convention, Albuquerque, NM, February, 2013.