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Introduction to Theology: Students Very Own Take on the Apostles' Creed

Personal Creed

Ashley Blueyes

Diné believe in Hózho;
To exist in peace, beauty, balance, and harmony.
Living as one with the world because she gives life.
She gives us water, trees to build, animals for pelts and food.
She has given us all we have.
Shinadéé t’áá ałtso hózho.

I do not believe in heaven or hell.
Therefore, I do not believe there is a reward for leading a good life and treating others well.
I do so because I have been raised with those values.
I will be a teacher,
I will provide safe spaces to children.
What good is it to be ugly in a world where good is hard to find?

Natives give what we have;
Knowledge, water, food.
There was a time when we had everything stripped away,
When the government took what we had:
Our hair, jewelry, clothes, ceremonies, children, and lives.
We persevered by giving to one another.
Our communities were all we had.
So now we give what we have.

Personal Creed

Terry Barnes

I believe in lifting those who feel lost or left behind.

I once struggled to find purpose but found joy in serving.

I exist to inspire, to spark hope in others.

I believe forgiveness opens the door to growth.

My history is a reminder of where I’ve been.

The pain of the past teaches me to strive for change

I believe in perseverance, even when the road is hard.

Theater reminds me we can become more than we are;

track shows me strength in struggle.

Through my gifts and struggles, I grow stronger and more connected.

I believe love can transform the world if we let it.

I will show love, so others know they are more than their mistakes.

The Spirit shapes me into the likeness of Jesus.

Judged by God, I am set free by His grace.

Love—romantic, platonic, and divine—is the heart of my identity.