Summer is here, my friends! Last Saturday, I had the immense blessing of participating in my first Commencement Day at TLU as the campus pastor. It was a whirlwind of a day, filled with excitement, smiles, and all of the pomp and circumstance we could muster in the 90-degree plus heat. Between Baccalaureate, the Master's Hooding Ceremony, and Commencement itself, it was a long, beautiful day that left me feeling content and so, so excited for the future.
The Fall of 2022 is going to be jam-packed for TLU Campus Ministry, and as the pieces come together, you’ll hear more about what is going to be happening as well as receive an invitation to come and be a part of it. We’ve got some amazing students in our ministry, and I’d love to introduce you to them.
But before we get to the Fall, we have an entire summer to enjoy and to make the most of. This means that your students—from TLU and everywhere else—will be coming home. They’ll be in your restaurants, at your parks and local hangouts, and most importantly, back in your churches. I’d encourage you to pour a little extra into them, for in the midst of everything our world has been enduring these past couple of years, these students are coming home different people than they left. The world has changed and so have they, and one of the best gifts you can give right now is the gift of love and acceptance.
Please pray for our students and for their summer adventures. Some are preparing for short-term study abroad courses. Some are starting new summer jobs. Some are home and struggling through family dynamics that haven’t aged as they have. Whatever our students are doing, they need your prayers, your love, and your continued support. If you’re wondering how you can do this best, give me a call or shoot me an email. I would love to sit down and chat with you about this. I am certain that, together, we can dream up some absolutely amazing ways to bless our students.