This spring, Texas Lutheran University reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring a seamless transition for students transferring to TLU from San Antonio’s Alamo Colleges District.
In 2016, the South and Central Texas Transfer Compact, an endeavor aimed at enhancing the efficiency of transferring from any of the schools within the district to a four-year college or university, was initiated. TLU is one of 21 schools currently entered into the agreement.
In March, leaders from participating schools met in San Antonio to affirm their ongoing commitment to the compact. Representing TLU at the signing ceremony were Vice President for Enrollment Alecia McCain, Vice President for Academic Affairs Sarah Ferguson, and Director of Transfer and Graduate Admissions Elliot Powell.
Powell says that re-signing the compact affirms TLU’s commitment to transfer students coming in from the district. “This means we will continue to provide pathways to TLU that encourage transfer and degree applicability and provide scholarship opportunities to students that reward them for their hard work while attending the Alamo Colleges.”
The partnership allows students to get credit at TLU for courses they’ve completed at any of the Alamo Colleges, making TLU an affordable option for those looking for a family-oriented, faith-based university which, though smaller, still offers the advantages of a four-year school—such as a full roster of sports programs, a wide selection of clubs, organizations, and events, and on-campus housing.
“Because of our partnership with the Alamo Colleges, students find that courses transfer over well,” says Powell. He adds that an additional incentive TLU offers to students transferring in from the Alamo Colleges District, a group of five schools based in San Antonio and Universal City, is the Community College Partners Scholarship. The scholarship awards $1,000 a year to transfer students who earned a combination of 15 hours at any Alamo College campus. This is in addition to a second scholarship opportunity offered by TLU to transfer students based upon academic achievement.
The five community colleges which compose the Alamo Colleges District include Northeast Lakeview, Northwest Vista, Palo Alto, San Antonio College, and St. Philip’s.