Health Sciences
Pre-Professional Health Programs
Students interested in pre-professional health programs often major in Biology, Biochemistry, or Chemistry, although pre-professional students can come from any major. TLU offers pre-professional programs in the following professions:
- Dentistry
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Pharmacy
- Physician Assistant
- Physical Therapy
- Veterinary Science
Students interested in pursuing careers in these programs work with members of TLU's Health Professions Committee for individualized advising. Our Health Professions Faculty Advisors help students determine which courses to take, how best to obtain exposure to the desired career field, and how best to prepare for entry examinations. Committee members will also provide letters of recommendation for students, will help students prepare their professional school applications, and will offer practice interview sessions for those invited to interview at professional schools.
UIW Health Professions Pathway for TLU Graduates

TLU and the University of Incarnate Word (UIW) in San Antonio have memorandums of understanding (MOU) as part of UIW's Health Professions Pathway. The MOUs pave the way for qualified TLU students to secure interview slots for the opportunity to attend the UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine, the Feik School of Pharmacy, the Rosenberg School of Optometry, and the School of Physical Therapy.
TLU students should consult with their faculty advisor on the process for applying to UIW's health programs.
Program Criteria
UIW Feik School of Pharmacy
To be selected for candidacy to enter the UIW Health Professions Pathway, an applicant must meet admissions standards established by TLU. To continue as candidates in good standing, an applicant must meet the following conditions:
Make satisfactory academic progress as demonstrated by:
- Overall Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50 and pre-requisites GPA of at least a 3.30.
- Maintained status as a full-time student at TLU or be within one year of graduation.
Completion of or in the process of completing the following pre-requisite courses at the time of application:
- Biology I & II (8 semester hours including labs)
- Biology 245 and 246 (8 semester hours, including labs – equivalent for Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II)
- Chemistry I & II (8 semester hours, including labs)
- Organic Chemistry I and II (8 semester hours, including labs)
- Physics (4 semester hours, including lab)
- General Microbiology (4 semester hours, including lab)
- Statistics (3 semester hours)
- Calculus I
- Public Speaking
Participate in mentoring and guidance with a Health Professions Program Advisor at TLU to discuss progress and update the applicant’s file.
Participate in activities consistent with the goal of entering the pharmacy profession. Specific activities that a candidate may elect include:
- Engage in volunteer work or community service (applications with substantial community and volunteer service specifically to underserved populations may have a higher chance of acceptance into the program as UIWFSOP focuses on the needs of underserved populations).
- Participate as an active member of the TLU Pre-Professional Club.
Recommended to shadow or observe a pharmacist. Applicants may submit an optional observation hour form with their application.
Maintain good disciplinary standing. This includes the avoidance of serious sanctions, maintaining acceptable interpersonal relations with faculty and peers, showing maturity and judgment, and exercising personal responsibility in meeting commitments.
Receive favorable annual evaluations from the academic advisor.
Meet the specific course equivalencies and requirements of degree plan, as determined by the advisor and TLU.
Interview Criteria:
To be admitted by UIWFSOP, a candidate must have a successful interview. For an interview, the following conditions must be met:
- Suitable academic achievement as demonstrated by the following:
- Progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree at TLU.
- Pre-Requisites GPA of at least 3.30; and
- Overall Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50
- Completion of the PharmCAS application process (application portal).
- Provide UIWFSOP with two letters of reference
- An onsite admission interview at the expense of the applicant.
UIW Rosenberg School of Optometry
Candidacy Selection
To be selected for candidacy, an applicant must meet the following conditions:
- 3.50 Undergraduate CUM GPA / 3.50 Undergraduate Math & Sciences GPA
- Optometry Admissions Test 320 Academic Average
- Successful completion of a minimum of 90 semester credit hours
- Successful completion of prerequisite requirements with a ‘C’ or better
- Completion of application process to include submission of OptomCAS
- Successful interview with Rosenberg School of Optometry faculty
- Minimum of two Letters of Recommendation (LOR) to include one LOR from an optometrist and one LOR from an academic advisor or faculty member
- Minimum of two shadowing experiences with an O.D.
- Active involvement in community service
Satisfactory Progress During Candidacy
To continue as candidates in good standing, an applicant must meet the following conditions:
- Make satisfactory academic progress as demonstrated by:
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50 and Math/Science GPA of at least a 3.30.
- Maintained status as a full-time student at TLU or be within one year of graduation.
- Completion of or in the process of completing the following pre-requisite courses at the time of application:
- Biology (1 course with Lab)
- Biology 245 or 246 (1 course with Lab; equivalent for Human
- Anatomy and/or Human Physiology*)
- General Chemistry (2 courses with Lab)
- General Physics (2 courses with Lab)
- Microbiology or Bacteriology (1 course with Lab)
- Biochemistry or Molecular Biology (minimum Junior level course or equivalent; 1 course)
- Calculus (1 course)
- Statistics (1 course)
- Psychology (1 course)
- English (2 courses)
* Any of the following courses with laboratory may substitute for Anatomy and/or Physiology course with laboratory: Biology II, Cell Biology, or Genetics.
Mentoring and Advising
Participate in mentoring and advising programs as demonstrated by meeting at least once per semester with a member of the TLU health professions committee members or advisors to discuss progress and update applicant’s file;
Community Service
Participation in community service activities consistent with the goal of entering the Optometry profession. Specific community service activities that a candidate may elect include:
- Volunteer work (applications with substantial community service/volunteer
- work may have a higher chance of acceptance into the program as UIWRSO
- focuses highly on community service);
- Being an active member of in TLU Pre-Professional Club;
- Activities which exhibit a strong commitment to helping others/empathy and
- leadership;
- Engaging with some aspect of the Optometry field;
- Undertaking academic enrichment opportunities;
- Summer research programs; and/or
- Summer Optometry preparation/enrichment programs.
Good Standing
Maintain good disciplinary standing. This includes the avoidance of serious sanctions, maintaining acceptable interpersonal relations with faculty and peers, showing maturity and judgment, and exercising personal responsibility inmeeting commitments.
Receive favorable annual evaluations from by Advisor, as follows:
- During the spring semester of each academic year, all candidates will be
reviewed by Advisor. By May 31, Advisor will determine whether the student
has made satisfactory progress as a candidate. - A student judged not to have made satisfactory progress will be placed on
probation and counseled by Advisor. - When deficiencies are appropriately addressed (but no later than the next
spring), the student may be reinstated to candidacy. - Meet the specific course equivalencies, as determined by the Advisor and UIWRSO.
Interview Criteria
To be interviewed by UIWRSO, a candidate must meet the following conditions: Suitable academic achievement as demonstrated by the following:
- Progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree at TLU.
- Science GPA (i.e. Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics) of at
- least 3.50; and
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50
Completion of the OptomCAS application process (common application portal for Optometry schools).
Minimum score of 320 on the OAT;
Provide UIWRSO with two letters of recommendations.
UIW School of Osteopathic Medicine
To be selected for candidacy to enter the UIW Health Professions Pathway, an applicant must meet admissions standards established by TLU.
To continue as candidates in good standing, an applicant must meet the following conditions:
Make satisfactory academic progress as demonstrated by:
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.4 and Science GPA of at least 3.3.
- Maintain status as a full-time student at TLU.
Completion of or in the process of completing the following pre-requisite courses at the time of application:
- Biology: minimum of 8 semester hours, including 2 semester hours of laboratory work
- Inorganic Chemistry: minimum of 8 semester hours, including 2 semester hours of laboratory work
- Organic Chemistry: minimum of 8 semester hours, including 2 semester hours of laboratory work
- Physics: minimum of 8 semester hours, including 2 semester hours of laboratory work
- English: minimum of 6 semester hours of composition and/or literature
To facilitate a smoother transition to the medical school, applicants are encouraged to take additional coursework such as:
- Advanced sciences: human anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, neuroscience, microbiology, behavioral science, and immunology
- Six semester hours of philosophy or other humanities coursework
- Six semester hours of math/statistics coursework
Participate in mentoring and guidance with a Health Professions Program Advisor at TLU to discuss progress and update applicant’s file.Participate in activities consistent with the goal of entering the osteopathic profession. Specific activities that a candidate may elect include:
- Engage in volunteer work or community service (applicants with substantial community and volunteer service, especially to underserved populations may have a higher chance of acceptance into the program as UIWSOM focuses on the needs of underserved populations).
- Acquire research experience – lab, social justice, translational
- Acquire clinical experience for example through physician shadowing (min. 50 hrs.)
Good Standing
Maintain good disciplinary standing. This includes the avoidance of serious sanctions, maintaining acceptable interpersonal relations with faculty and peers, showing maturity and judgment, and exercising personal responsibility in meeting commitments.
Receive favorable annual evaluations from the academic advisor.
Meet specific course equivalencies and requirements of degree plan, as determined by advisor and TLU.
Interview Criteria
Suitable academic achievement as demonstrated by the following:
- Progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree at TLU.
- Science GPA (including pre-requisites of at least 3.3; and
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.4
Completion of the AACOMAS (application portal)
Minimum score in the 50th percentile or higher on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
Provide UIWSOM with three letters of recommendation including letters of support from faculty, physician, and a health professions admissions committee (HPAC) or Pre-Health Advisors.
Submit completed UIWSOM supplemental application. The $50 application fee will be waived for TLU pipeline students.
UIW School of Physical Therapy
Candidacy Selection
To be selected for candidacy to enter the UIW Health Professions Pathway, an applicant must meet admissions standards established by TLU.
Satisfactory Progress During Candidacy
To continue as candidates in good standing, an applicant must meet the following conditions:
Make satisfactory academic progress as demonstrated by:
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50 and pre-requisites GPA of at least a 3.30.
- Maintained status as a full-time student at TLU or be within five years of graduation. Qualified alumni/graduates should remain in contact with the Health Professions Advisory Committee for program status updates.
- Completion of or in the process of completing the following pre-requisite courses at the time of application:
- Biology 245 and 246 (8 semester hours, including labs – equivalent for Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II)
- General Biology I & II: (8 semester hours, including labs)
- General Chemistry I & II: (8 semester hours, including labs)
- General Physics I & II: (8 semester hours, including labs)
- Introduction to Psychology: (3 semester hours)
- Developmental, Lifespan, OR Abnormal Psychology: (3 semester
hours) - Statistics: (3 semester hours)
- Medical Terminology*
*may be taken as a 6-week noncredit online course
Participate in mentoring and guidance with a Health Professions Program Advisor at TLU to discuss progress and update the applicant’s file.
Participate in activities consistent with the goal of entering the physical therapy profession. Specific activities that a candidate may elect include:
Engage in volunteer work or community service (applications with
substantial community and volunteer service specifically to underserved
populations may have a higher chance of acceptance into the program
as UIWSoPT focuses on the needs of underserved populations).Participate as an active member of the TLU Pre-Professional Club.
Acquire an understanding of the physical therapy profession through
shadowing under a licensed physical therapist in at least two different settings
(e.g., outpatient clinic and skilled nursing facility or acute care hospital or
pediatric setting; minimum of 50 hours). Complete Observation Form available
Maintain good disciplinary standing. This includes the avoidance of serious
sanctions, maintaining acceptable interpersonal relations with faculty and peers,
showing maturity and judgment, and exercising personal responsibility in
meeting commitments.
Receive favorable annual evaluations from the academic advisor.Meet the specific course equivalencies and requirements of degree plan, as
determined by the advisor and TLU.Interview Criteria
To be interviewed by UIWSoPT, a candidate must meet the following conditions:
Suitable academic achievement as demonstrated by the following:
- Progress toward completion of an undergraduate degree at TLU
- Pre-Requisites GPA of at least 3.30; and
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.50
GRE scores greater than 150 for each of the Verbal and Quantitative sections and a minimum of 3.5 on the Writing section.
Completion of the PTCAS application process (application portal).
Provide UIWSoPT with three letters of reference (at least one from a licensed physical therapist). Aside from physical therapists, the other letters could be from faculty or a health professions admissions committee (HPAC).